To create a new campaign go to the Campaigns tab and click on Create New Campaign on the left hand menu. You have different options to choose from. If this is your first email campaign, choose a Regular campaign.

Note: Each contact list already has "Confirmation" and "Welcome" emails setup. These are automatically sent and can be customized.


  1. Give your campaign a name Only you can see this, so make sure it’s meaningful to you.
  2. Choose your recipients Under The recipients you will have a full view of all your contact lists, along with details such as how many recipients each list has, when it was created, and if it contains any groups.
  3. Enter additional campaign details

    a. Subject - Make it resonate with your audience. Be explicit!

    b. Sender's name and email address

    c. Optional : an alternate reply-to email Avoid using “no-reply@...” emails.

    d. Advanced options are available for experienced users.

    e. Social Media Banner - encourage your subscribers to share your email with their friends.


We recommend you start by selecting one of our default templates. They’re free and have been optimized for email clients. The templates can all be stamped with your own brand with the Email Campaign Builder.

If you’re an HTML master, you can upload your own template ZIP file or copy-paste your HTML code.

Did you generate your Text version?

Some of your customers can’t (or won’t) receive HTML-Based emails. Generating the Plain Text version also helps in regards to lowering your SPAM score. Please make sure you generate your text version:

  • Click on Edit plain-text version on the left hand menu
  • Click on the Edit plain-text version button
  • Click on Generate from HTML
  • Once the text pops up, you can edit the information.

Note: Square brackets represent either Tags or links.

[Visit our Website] ([])

In your HTML email, this is a link. You should edit this text to look like:

Visit our Website at []

Next Step: A Checklist of things to verify before you click send

Previous Step: Build your contact list