Your confirmation and welcome emails are going to be the first impression your subscribers get about your newsletter. Moreover, your welcome email is a great place to greet customers and ask them to be added to their safe senders list. Your welcome email is pre-setup and automatically sent when you created your account.

Editing the confirmation email:

  • Click on the Contact list tab and click on the list name.
  • Click on Manage Emails on the left hand menu.
  • Under Subscription Confirmation Email you will see the option to preview and edit both HTML and text versions of the email, send a test, and active/deactivate it.
  • Click on Edit Email and customize it any way you want.

    No matter what you do, keep the [CONFIRM LINK] tag
  • Make the changes to the plain text version too: click on the “Text” tab and edit appropriately.

  • Send yourself a test and make sure everything shows the way you want it to.

Editing the welcome email:

  • Click on the Contact list tab and click on the list name.
  • Click on Manage Emails on the left hand menu.
  • Under Welcome Email you will see the option to preview and edit both HTML and text versions of the email, send a test, and active/deactivate it.
  • Click on Edit Email and customize it any way you want. Remember:
    • Say hi!
    • This is a great opportunity to ask them to add you to their safe senders list
    • Ask them to display the images
    • Tell them how often they can expect to hear from you
    • Most importantly, say thank you!
  • Make the changes to the plain text version too: click on the “Text” tab and edit appropriately.
  • Send yourself a test and make sure everything shows the way you want it to.

Note: Welcome and confirmation emails cannot be edited within a trial account.

Advanced HTML user? You can paste your HTML directly into the emails.

Next Step: Make it personal 

Previous Step: Your next email