In addition to creating personalized fields, there are also default fields available through the Item drop down menu in the editor. This default information comes from account information or information that is automatically included in a contact list.


The information for these tags comes from the campaign information you entered when creating your campaign.

The following tags can be used:

[SUBJECT] "Hello, This email is regarding [SUBJECT]"


The information for these tags comed from the details filled out when the list was created. To modify this info, go to your contact list and click on Manage Emails > Set Sender Name and Email Address

The following tags can be used:

[SENDER_NAME]  "This email was sent by [SENDER_NAME]"

[SENDER_EMAIL]  "For more information, please email [SENDER_EMAIL]"


The information for these tags comes from the details filled out when your account was created. To modify the information, go to your Settings tab > Company Profile

The following tags can be used:










These tags can be used as part of your email footer to provide the recipient information of who is emailing them (this is mandatory as part of our Terms of Use):

"This message has been sent from [CLIENTS.COMPANY_NAME],[CLIENTS.ADDRESS]"

which will read as: "This message has been sent from My Company, 204 Joo Chiat Road, #03-01, Singapore 427475"


Adds list information to the campaign. To modify, access your list and change the details.

The following tags can be used:

[LISTNAME] "You are receiving this email as you are part of our [LISTNAME] list"


These tags allow readers to share your campaign with others, view an HTML email in a browser window and use several subscribe and unsubscribe options. These tags can be added as part of your email header or footer.

The following tags can be used:

[FORWARD] Allows your readers to forward the campaign to a friend

[SUBSCRIBE]  Allows a reader to subscribe to your list - useful for forwarded emails

[UNSUBSCRIBE]  Allows a subscriber to unsubscribe from your list

[GLOBAL_UNSUBSCRIBE]  Allows a subscriber to unsubscribe from all lists in your account

[SHOWEMAIL]  Used in an email where you want to allow readers to view an HTML version of the email in a browser window. It's often useful for situations where images might not be displayed, or people might receive a text email by default. Clicks and views are tracked with this option.

[SHARE]  Allows the email to be shared by generating a URL - useful for sharing your campaign on websites, such as a blog, Facebook, or Twitter. Clicks and views are not tracked with this option.

[CONFIRM_LINK]  Used to confirm opt-in for lists using double opt-in (Cannot be used in regular campaigns)


These tags can be used to insert or share external content within your campaign.

The following tags can be used:

[INCLUDE=...] Takes a webpage and inserts it directly in a campaign. Make sure that this is pointing to a script in order for the XML to work!

Allows you share an RSS feed in your campaign


You can use merge fields as part of a custom google analytics link that incorporates user information. This way your marketing department gets highly specific tracking results.

Here's how:

  • Take your google analytics tracking link, for example:

  • To track traffic based on company name, you would take the [CLIENTS.COMPANY_NAME] tag and insert it in your link:**[CLIENTS.COMPANYNAME]**&utmmedium=email&utmcampaign=septembernews

  • When this campaign gets sent, the URL will look like:

  • If you want to see site traffic sources by individual email address:[email]&utmmedium=email&utm_campaign=septembernews

  • When this campaign gets sent, the URL will look like:

This data will show up in your Google Analytics account under "Traffic Sources."