Before you begin, make sure you have already created a list.

You will not be able to begin the campaign creation process if you do not have at least one active list that contains a single valid recipient.

To create a new campaign go to the Campaigns tab and click on Create New Campaign on the left hand menu.

You have four options to choose from (free or trial accounts will have only three):

  • Regular campaign - A campaign such as an announcement or notice
  • Auto-responder - An automated email that is sent for a one-time event like subscribing to a list or based on a date field in a contact list
  • Recurring campaign - A campaign that is triggered to run at regular, specified intervals, like a Happy Birthday message
  • A/B split test - A campaign that allows you to test two different Sender Names / Sender Emails, subject lines, or unique email content


Give your campaign a name and select the list you will send it to. Depending on the type of campaign you chose to create, the information below will vary slightly. For this example we will use a Regular campaign.

Under The recipients you will have a full view of all your contact lists, along with details such as how many recipients each list has, when it was created, and if it contains any groups.


In the next step, you'll enter additional campaign details.

Enter your campaign's subject (this will appear as the subject line in your recipients inboxes), the sender's name and email address, and if there is an alternate reply-to email (this is useful in case recipients wish to contact someone directly).


Advanced options are available for experienced users - these include enabling/disabling tracking clicks, opens, and adding third-party tracking mechanisms like Google Analytics.

Use the Email Campaign Builder to build both HTML and Text versions of your campaign.