A suppression list is a list that contains email addresses that you wish to permanently exclude from future emails you send using our service, or addresses that were automatically added.
You may add any email address based on a prefix (name@), a domain (@domain.com), or by using the full email address (name@domain.com).
To manage your suppression list, go to your Settings > Manage Suppression Lists
Select a category (address, domain, or prefix) and click on the Add an entry button at the top left.
You may add individual emails or import a full list (only as a CSV file).
For security reasons, these addresses cannot be removed from the suppression list.
- Spam complaint: subscribers that flag an email as spam get immediately added to the suppression list.
- Unsubscribe request: subscribers who clicked on the [UNSUBSCRIBE] link and do not want to receive any future emails.
- Complaint: subscribers who have complained about one or more emails that they received.